It was in the painting that I first saw myself as countless suitors had often described me. Before then, I would frown at my face in a hand-held mirror, wondering what they saw that made me so beautiful in their eyes.

Wake Me When I'm Gone

Tattooing in prison is like trying to sew fine stitches with a knitting needle. It’s the essence of prison ingenuity – that so much can be done with so little.

The Graybar Hotel

Curtis Dawkins

Watch Yann Martel discussing Life of Pi following its original US publication in 2002.

Watch Josh Jelly-Schapiro introduce Island People from Cuba

Watch the trailer for Doctor Who series 10, starring Matt Lucas as Nardole

I've inferred, I've hedged, I've denied, but I've never told the full story to the public, or the press, and that is what I intend to do. For the first time, I will explain "I am Luka."


She will say I am sorry and Valerie will say none of it was your fault, it was all his, I believe you. No reply. She has to leave a message because phones are not allowed in prison and Valerie is visiting Solomon.

The Half Sister

Catherine Chanter

Watch Rick Gekoski introducing his debut novel Darke