What begins at the water shall end there, and what ends there shall once more begin. Words are a gift to the dead and a warning to the living.


J.J. Abrams & Doug Dorst

One’s prime is elusive. You little girls, when you grow up, must be on the alert to recognise your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur. You must then live it to the full

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Muriel Spark

I need plenty of rest in case tomorrow is a great day. It probably won’t be, but if it is, I’ll be ready!

The Philosophy of Snoopy

Charles M. Schulz

Behave like water, I told myself. Don’t try to oppose them. When they try to grasp you, slip through their fingers. Flow around them

The Penelopiad

Margaret Atwood

One of the paradoxes of writing is that when you write non-fiction everyone tries to prove that it’s wrong, and when you publish fiction, everyone tries to see the truth in it

Our Tragic Universe

Scarlett Thomas

It’s actually quite a good ethos for life: go into the unknown with truth, commitment and openness, and mostly you’ll be okay

Not My Father's Son

Alan Cumming

When you think about it – every person’s like a museum of their life

Orphans of the Carnival

Carol Birch

You know what surprises me? I’m surprised that you didn’t fall in love with me the very first time you saw me. Life is full of surprises

The Peanuts Guide to Love

Charles M. Schulz

Kate Grenville introduces One Life