Matt Haig

As well as being a number one bestselling writer for adults, Matt Haig has won the Blue Peter Book Award, the Smarties Book Prize and been nominated three times for the Carnegie Medal for his stories for children and young adults.

Chris Mould went to art school at the age of sixteen. He has won the Nottingham Children’s Book Award and been commended by the Sheffield Children’s Book Award. He loves his work and likes to write and draw the kind of books that he would have liked to have had on his shelf as a boy. He is married with two children and lives in Yorkshire.

Notes on a Nervous Planet cover

“A Note on Wanting”: enjoy this early preview of Matt Haig’s Notes on a Nervous Planet, the follow-up to number one bestseller Reasons to Stay Alive. From the audiobook, read by the author.

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Everything we need is right here. Everything we are is enough.

Notes on a Nervous Planet

Matt Haig

You might think you know about Father Christmas. And I'm sure you do know some things. You probably know about the Toy Workshop and the reindeer. But the thing you probably don't know about is me...

Father Christmas and Me

Matt Haig

You are meant to be frightened when you see a ghost but I was not frightened because it felt completely normal which is weird because I had never seen a ghost before. He was just standing there behind the smoke of Big Vics cigar and he was looking at me and not scared of my eyes like everyone else was.

The Dead Fathers Club

Matt Haig

I have to tell you how it was, exactly as I saw it, because this was the end and the start of everything, wasn't it? So come on, Terence, get on with it, you don't have all day.

The Possession of Mr Cave

Matt Haig

Dogs like to talk. We are talking all the time, non-stop. To each other, to humans, to ourselves. Talk, talk, talk . . . During every sniff, every bark, every crotch nuzzle, every spray of a lamppost, we are speaking our minds. So if you want the truth, ask the dog

The Last Family in England

Matt Haig