Classic Sci-Fi Stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edward Page Mitchell, Robert Duncan Milne, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jack London, Frank R. Stockton (Downloadable audio ISBN 9780857866424) book cover

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This is science fiction at its best with every story a little gem.

Stories include a clock that reverses the order of history, a potion that prolongs youth, a machine that disintegrates matter, the prospect of the earth burning to a crisp from the heat of the sun and the effects of the absence of gravity. When first written these stories were no more than fascinating and exciting fantasies, but time and progress have given them a terrifying touch of modern-day reality. Read by Nicky Henson bringing just the right amount of tension and suspense to these electric stories.
LISTINGS: The Disintegration Machine by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 2. The Clock That Went Backward by Edward Page Mitchell 3. Into the Sun by Robert Duncan Milne 4. Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment by Nathaniel Hawthorne
5. A Thousand Deaths by Jack London 6. A Tale of Negative Gravity by Frank R. Stockton.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edward Page Mitchell, Robert Duncan Milne, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jack London & Frank R. Stockton

Contributing writers are: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edward Page Mitchell, Robert Duncan Milne, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jack London and Frank R. Stockton.